Platonic Diversions

Gesso Valley

La conca del Valasco con il suo caratteristico roccione (A. Rivelli PNAM)

ROBERTA FERRARIS Hidden and surrounded by the Argentera Massif, Gesso Valley was chosen as countryside resort by the House of Savoy who acquired the hunting rights from the Councils of Entracque and Valdieri villages in the middle of 19th century.…

Vermenagna Valley

Valle Vermenagna, Colle di Tenda, Limone (da Wikimedia Commons)

ROBERTA FERRARIS Located at the extreme South-East corner of the Occitan-speaking area, Vermenagna Valley is a borderland for several aspects: it borders with France through the Col di Tenda (a high mountain pass) which also separates Ligurian Alps from Maritime…

Pesio Valley

certosa 3

ROBERTA FERRARIS The Pesio Valley is one of the most woody valleys of the Western Alps due to its proximity to the sea and to abundant rainfalls. For centuries, the local forest resources have been wisely administered by the Charterhouse…

The Quié (Kyé) area


ROBERTA FERRARIS The Occitan variant spoken in the Èllero valley indicates as «Quié (Kyé)» the 1st singular person subjective pronoun «I». Only in 1969, the linguist Corrado Grassi included this dialect spoken in some villages of the Monregalese valleys in…

Greetings from Mondovì: Carnevale


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Tomorrow is Martedi Grasso (Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday), and the last day of Carnevale. Here in Mondovi` we have been celebrating since 24 January with processions, presentations, ceremonies and formal dinners, dancing and general revelry most every night…

Greetings from Mondovì – Mongolfiere 2016

nightglow 9-1-16 01

LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE January can be a dreary month.  The post-holiday weeks feel anticlimactic, empty, with little on the horizon except a return to normal routine.  But here in Mondovi` January brings excitement and wonder as the city hosts its…