The suitcase of Hermes

Poetry to house God


Yayati Madan G Gandhi’s poetry translated in Italian THE LIGHT Why not to house the God Of different religions, under one roof? Why to erect walls before the Light? If Mohammad is the ultimate revelation, Jesus-Krishna too reveal the self-same…

Poetry for change


(SILVIA PIO edited by) Poems: POEM FOR MITKO Michael Rothenberg SHELL BEACH Michael Rothenberg CATHOLIC SCHOOL RETABLOS Terri Carrion WHY I STARTED BREEDING BUTTERFLIES Terri Carrion An interview with Michael Rothenberg and Terry Carrión, founders of the global poetry movement…

Parade of Poems

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) [ What’s your idea about my days that I usually spend without you? about my words that used rapidly evaporate and about my heavy pain about the knots that have sedimented inside my thorax like dried…

Parade of Poems

cedro del Libano (Liliana)

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) Never Alone Always this caressing wind this earth whispering to our feet this boundless desire of being grass tree heart *** Earth Poems and butterflies fly with wings over any border FRANCISCO ALARCÓN (Mexico, 1954-2016) Translation…

I Am What I Art – Fadwa Al Qasem


Untitled I lean Against an imaginary wall Breathless Some of me is still running A distant lull Of fast train on humming tracks My fragile secrets Reach up and hide the stars. I light my imaginary Cigarette It makes this…

Parade of Poems on Women’s Day


GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) AWAITING HIM In the morning I wake up like a gazelle enjoying myself in the mountainside, waiting for you. At midday, buried among flowers, I start to draw your name in the womb of the river’s…