The suitcase of Hermes

Poets of the World: Gabor G. Gyukics, Hungary


Gabor G. Gyukics (born in 1958) is a Hungarian-American poet, literary translator and  author of five books of original poetry, four in Hungarian, one in English (Last Smile), and nine books of translations including A Transparent Lion, selected poetry of…

Poets of the World, Ashok Chakravarthy, India

Ashok Chakravarthy and Baek Han Yi in South Korea

Poet and review writer, he is from Hyderabad City. He has been composing poetry for the past 25 years, producing nearly 1200 poems, several of which appeared in international literary journals, anthologies, websites etc. He has been conferred with many…

Mermaid Sea


SILVIA PIO Mountains rise above the sea and dominate inlets rich in fish and coral. Small beaches shine white among dark rocks, coarse sand made of ancient shells and corals, crumbled and altered by Time. Only pinkish shades reveal the…

Grapefruit for Martha

chemex (signed) 600 resolution 001

LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Somewhere a bell was ringing—an old bell, a school or a church bell, swinging slow and heavy. Joanne surfaced, up from sleep into the sonorous pealing, felt the darkness of early morning on her eyelids. She sensed…