Calliope’s Voice

Tanka & Haiku


MICHAEL MCCLINTOCK from Tanka (短歌 “short poem”) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature.

Parade of Poems

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS For all those who feel that they aren’t in control I would have liked to be the disciple of Icarus. It would have been beautiful to celebrate the wedding of Calixto…

To the next generation of artists


HERBIE HANCOCK, WAYNE SHORTER THE NEXT GENERATION OF ARTISTS We find ourselves in turbulent and unpredictable times. From the horror at the Bataclan, to the upheaval in Syria and the senseless bloodshed in San Bernardino, we live in a time…

Tanka & Haiku


MICHAEL MCCLINTOCK       from Tanka (短歌 “short poem”) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. Italiano

Parade of Poems

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) Become a River If you spend your entire life dealing with impostors and cheats, how can you be surprised when everyone recognizes you are a swindler? Anger threatens you most. Envy paralyzes you. You’re like dust…

Poets of the World, Filipe de Fiúza, Portugal

filipe de fiuza-lux.13.03.16-evid

«You are alone, with yourself, in yourself. You flow alone in something that sustains you. You are alone as a reaction to the force that sustains you in the flow of solitude.» «You who have ignited the light of super…

Parade of Poems

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) THE END OF THE FABLES Once upon a time, there was a fox … starts the rooster to compose a fable But perceives that it cannot work because if the fox hears the fable he will…