Clio’s Kingdom

Burden of Memory

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FRANCES FAHY Grabbing his startled wife’s arm, Andrew Elliot bolted out of their once favourite Palermo fruit and vegetable market, a stone’s throw from the university where they’d both worked as  lecturers until about four years ago. A time that…

Mermaid Sea


SILVIA PIO Mountains rise above the sea and dominate inlets rich in fish and coral. Small beaches shine white among dark rocks, coarse sand made of ancient shells and corals, crumbled and altered by Time. Only pinkish shades reveal the…

Grapefruit for Martha

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LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Somewhere a bell was ringing—an old bell, a school or a church bell, swinging slow and heavy. Joanne surfaced, up from sleep into the sonorous pealing, felt the darkness of early morning on her eyelids. She sensed…

First Snow


JOHN I. CLARKE Cold, wet snow driving against the window. The sky is grimly grey and I don’t think we’ll see any real daylight at all. Not today. One of those days best wrapped up and forgotten about. I’m sitting…

Standing Out


FRANCES FAHY If I saw someone like me, an almost six-foot tall, 24 year-old slim, blond waitress with typical Nordic features, carrying a laden drinks tray and trying to navigate her way between tables on four-inch heels, in a crowded…