The Ageing Anchoress

Julian of Norwich, as depicted in the church of Ss Andrew and Mary, Langham, Norfolk. From Wikipedia

ROGAN WOLF Anchorites were a phenomenom of the fourteenth century, not just in England but across Christian Europe. Women joined the movement as well as men, and were called anchoresses. The most famous person to adopt that life was called…

My Feet are Killing Me

Wikimedia Commons

JOHN I. CLARKE (The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 – 56 took place after Rosa Parks was arrested following her refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger.) Some folks try to change the world by marching…

The Cherry Tree that Survived the Bomb


ROBERTO MALINI Nuclear weapons are holding the future of the world hostage. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the international institutions discussed nuclear nonproliferation and abolition strategies. At the same time, however, 50,000 more atom bombs were produced, bombs that got smaller, more…

Welsh Poets in Traduzionetradizione


SILVIA PIO (a cura) An international magazine of poetic translation edited by Claudia Azzola, Traduzionetradizione is an interesting enterprise in the Italian translation panorama. Issue 13 was published last summer.The  cover image is a painting by Claudio Zanini (Hunting Scene,…

Other Christmases: 1947

Mondovì, fotografia d'epoca

SILVANO GREGOLI Italy, Mondovì, Delle Ripe Street. A few days before Christmas 1947. The basket of Baby Jesus was waiting, already filled with presents for the children of the Delle Ripe neighborhood. That year, it was mostly socks. Exultate! The…