Greetings from Mondovì: Fireworks

Fuochi_Artificio_2010 (11)

LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Siamo in Italia!  It means We are in Italy!, and people here often say this to us when they cannot explain some bureaucratic tangle or incomprehensible administrative regulation.  With a characteristic gesture that is half-shrug, half-surrender, they let…

The creation of the new man


Kabalevski, 24 Preludi per pianoforte OP 38 – pianoforte Maria Gabriella Bassi Digressione Music Kabalevski Prelude op. 38 n.1 Kabalevski Prelude op. 38 n.5 Kabalevski Prelude op. 38 n.8 Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky Kabalevsky was born in Saint Petersburg in 1904…

Parade of Poems

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) Become a River If you spend your entire life dealing with impostors and cheats, how can you be surprised when everyone recognizes you are a swindler? Anger threatens you most. Envy paralyzes you. You’re like dust…

Joe Hill

Copia di copertina

ATTILIO IANNIELLO, LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE and SILVIA PIO (edited by) The Preacher and the Slave (1911, take-off on the hymn “Sweet Bye and Bye”, often sung by Salvation Army bands) Long-haired preachers come out every night, Try to tell you…

Uttering Her Name


SILVIA PIO (edited by) From Uttering Her Name, by Gabriel Rosenstock, Salmon Poetry 2009 Preface: Who is Dar Óma to whom these poems are addressed? Historically, or mythologically, she is the daughter of the god Oghma who gave the gift…