Poets from the World, Elisa C. Martinez Salazar, Dominican Republic


Angels come with rain

Angels come with rain.
The ashes in their voice
-noise in the midst of silence-
rain on homes and street corners.

A young woman, bright green eyes
and in love with the world
sees beauty in the distance
beyond her years.

An old man, dressed in tears
and memories,
makes love to an angel and
forgets his days.

Angels come with rain.
They wash the shame off

Angels come
with stars in their eyes
they knock on my door and beg.
I refuse to let them in.

I prefer the stillness
the slow death of these walls
the occasional shot at love
unfounded hope.

My angels come with rain.



I fear the distance between
your hands and my soul.
I fear time.
I fear dreaming
through the sphere of life
returning to your touch
your skin.

I fear, my love,
to call you love and nothing else.
I fear the presence of mirrors
when we share one breath
and we are the same flesh.
I fear that it is too late
to ignore that I fear the end.



My religion saves me, she says
as she stares at the broken mirror.
Silence is her response. Her windows
are closed
no one tries to look inside.
Who is to care about me, she thinks,
when I’m not standing in a corner?

My religion saves me, she says
as she stares at the picture in the broken mirror.
Fear is her response. She wouldn’t recognize him
if he paid her for a night, but she hoped Teddy
had not grown to be that man.
What will I say if we met, she thinks,
and he sees what I’ve become?

But Teddy doesn’t remember mommy. She
finds comfort in that thought.
She takes one last look at the picture and
cries so she doesn’t forget him.
It’s late. She’s tired.

Please, God, let me see him tonight, she prays.


Born in the Dominican Republic in 1989. She is the author of poetry collection Desvelo, silencios y recuerdos (Granada, 2012). Her works of poetry and narrative have been included in the anthologies Desde el corazon II (Madrid, 2013), Otoño e Invierno (Madrid, 2014) and Una poesia per Giulia (Rome, 2015), as well as in the magazines Resonancias Literarias (France), Revista Almiar (Spain), Rivista Inverso (Italy), El Café Latino (France), Revista Cronopio (Colombia), Revista Mandrágora (Guatemala), Visions International (U.S.), Central American Literary Review (Nicaragua), Progetto Babele (Italy), Revista Alquimia (Mexico) and Rabid Oak (U.S). She has blogged for The Huffington Post and her short story Vera was nominated for the 2017 Best of the Net Awards. She writes in Spanish, English and Italian.
