Tag Archive for Silvia Pio

Silence – The Miracle of Life


Two poems from women’s world Silence Does my silence Fill the gaps Where your fingers poked holes Into your beautiful being? Does it alleviate your pain your sorrow your guilt? Then I will be silent. Does my silence Ooze out…

The Magician and The Palm Reader


War poems by Harris Khalique The magician and the boy from Waziristan It was a stony winter morning covered in mist. The half-awake magician answered the hurried knock at the front door. The boy, covered in dust and smell, carried…

Dewdrops, the long road towards the shortness of haiku


SILVIA PIO (edited by) Dewdrops, 100 haiku by Germain Droogenbrood in Japanese English Spanish and Dutch with illustrations by Satish Gupta and calligraphy by Taeku Uemura. Spanish editing Rafael Carcelén, English editing Stanley H. Barkan, Japanese by Taeko Uemura –…

Haiku, Stanley H. Barkan

Photo by Bebe Barkan

SILVIA PIO (edited by) New seeds from the old but still-living oak branches: big things from the small. Tohu va Bohu*: A flickering of His thought— spark out of the dark. Fading from the walls, the chalk-scrawled letters: “I have…

Tanka & Haiku


MICHAEL MCCLINTOCK from http://michaelmcclintock.homestead.com/index.html Tanka (短歌 “short poem”) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature.