Tag Archive for Silvia Pio

The Wakefield Poets, William Thirsk-Gaskill

Wakefield One1

(SILVIA PIO, edited by) William Thirsk-Gaskill has contributed to the Poetry Twinning “Da Terre a Terre” with the poem Eleven colours of loneliness. When asked to tell Margutte something about himself, he sent the following: «I am an emerging writer based…

Wakefield Poetry Mosaic Project

7 evidenza

JOHN IRVING CLARKE Was it serendipity, coincidence or just sheer good fortune to be in the right place at the right time? Whatever, I happened to be in Mocca Moocho, a Wakefield café with a distinctly arts focussed air, when…

Dedicated to the Wakefield Poets


I poeti di Wakefield* We observe the Calder flow where boats are berthed around bollards with tight lines we observe the boats in the hour when those living in them water the flowers and remove dried leaves of solitude. We…

Da Terre a Terre, the Twinning Goes on

Antologia Da terre a terre

SILVIA PIO It was a chance encounter, if one believes in chance, and also a virtual one, if one wants to call an exchange of emails this way. Nowadays poets meet also in the net, and Margutte widely proves it.…