41 search results for "Berengarten"

Six Tree Poems


OLGA MARKELOVA 1. That night all the trees in the capital city set out on a crusade – the single-footed, the many-fingered, the curly-canopied and those stripped bald, those stunted and bark-bared, those wire-throttled, and those cemented up to their…

Finnegan Awoken

Bruna Bonino-finnegan

RICHARD BERENGARTEN For Alastair Reid Finnegan wakes and walks in briny air. Gulls wheel and gannets dive. The cliffs are bare. The coast is clear. And nobody is there. He’d dreamed a corner of his dream again might touch his…

The Albero Project, Index

Photo: Giampiero Johnny Murialdo

THE ALBERO PROJECT Edited by Silvia Pio and Richard Berengarten Alphabetical Index of Authors, Translators, Artists, Film-makers, Photographers, Composers This ongoing project was founded at the Festival of Trees in October 2017 in Mondovi, Piedmont, Italy. All contributions can also…



ELDAR AKHADOV For Richard Berengarten, author of the monumental poem ‘Tree’* Artillery shots. Foxtrot sounds. Villages and ancient manuscripts burn. And only the tree outside the window keeps waiting. Whenever you glance at it The mind darkens. Ice crumbles. A…