Tag Archive for Bruna Bonino

Mrs Prufrock used to sing


SILVIA PIO She saw the bottom where the water was sweet, surrendered her body to the waves she feared as a gift, and dreamed the dreams she had kept to give as presents wrapped with indecision (and you used to…

Four poems


PAVOL JANIK ON THE LINE MAN-WOMAN AND BACK You escape from me like gas. With astonishment I watch how with a single scrawl of your legs you ignite your silk dress. With such blinding nakedness you pre-empt sky-blue flame. Blazingly…

International Poetry Day


SILVIA PIO In the glory of the airy noon like a swallow gliding in the lane of life, this light has a sly shadow. In the stillness of the dusk between the unknowable and the sky, this blue is an…

Tree Of The Gods


KERRY SHAWN KEYS Between the silverfish and the moon a gray ailanthus tree marks this city as mine (I have just eaten a book. I ate all its characters. I ate the deadend of the book) Between the silverfish and…

The Apricot Tree


SILVIA PIO I once said the apricot tree was my home because I preferred its clamorous leaves to the silence sounding the old walls. When autumn began to confine me inside I would look to the tree as one looks…

Concerning “Tree”: Twelve Propositions


RICHARD BERENGARTEN Twelve propositions [1] 1.             TREE is a chant poem that sings the tree. As a tree itself is a harp that plays itself by itself in and on the wind, so TREE plays on and along the human voice…