Tag Archive for poetry

Stages of the Fall

Photo: Bruna Bonino

ALAN TRIST Leaves rustling, rustling dance in bond with wind a multitude on each tree in step yet separate Leaves falling, falling the whole airspace twirling, twirling thoughts in resonance refuting separation Leaves scurry, scurry back and forth across the…

Looking Backward for Moving Forward


PAUL SCOTT DERRICK This offers two bodies of work that have grown from roots planted deep in the ancient Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching (or Book of Changes). It isn’t my purpose to interpret or to apply any…

Six Tree Poems


OLGA MARKELOVA 1. That night all the trees in the capital city set out on a crusade – the single-footed, the many-fingered, the curly-canopied and those stripped bald, those stunted and bark-bared, those wire-throttled, and those cemented up to their…

No Desire to Open my Mouth


NADIA ANJUMAN No desire to open my mouth, what should I sing of . . . ? I, who am hated by life. no difference to sing or not to sing. Why should I talk of sweetness, when I feel…

Six Tree Poems


JONATHAN BOULTING DURAMEN for Nicole d’Amonville Alegría Olive acacia fig orange banana pine cypress lemon palm carob holly-oak – the truth about trees is this (in summer especially): unless, inescapable, one comes to pluck, prune or hack, their interests lie…

Tree Diagrams


A. ROBERT LEE Tokyo Sakura Tree Yes, it’s a Japan-icon, the nation’s postcard. Cherry blossoms. Branch-born, bud to flower. Wind-gyres of floating white-pink petal. Imprints upon woodblock, flag, coin, kimono. Even upon street manhole covers. Japan’s colour code. But, at…

The Selfishness of the Trees


MARGARET MCCARTHY THE SELFISHNESS OF THE TREES I It is the cruelest spectacle, they put on such clouds of white that allow you to believe in some endless generosity; you remember how you looked this time last year and the…