18 search results for "blandino"

Mermaid Sea


SILVIA PIO Mountains rise above the sea and dominate inlets rich in fish and coral. Small beaches shine white among dark rocks, coarse sand made of ancient shells and corals, crumbled and altered by Time. Only pinkish shades reveal the…

About us

Editors: Gabriella Mongardi, Silvia Pio Illustator: Franco Blandino Former editors: Gianni Bava, Paolo Bessé, Lorenzo Barberis, Laura Blengino, Michele Ghibaudo, Jolanda Moletta, Franco Russo. Collaborations from: Luca Ariano Lorenzo Avico (photographer) Giancarlo Baroni Umberto Beccaria Bruna Bonino (photographer) Carla Buranello Stefano…