Tag Archive for The Albero Project

Lucy Hamilton’s Tree


LUCY HAMILTON Rings In memory of my father, John Plowright A tree is thick − or thin – skinned, its sap carries sugar to leaves, feeds new cells, infuses roots with energy and the cambium – almost invisible – is…

Trees generating trees


CLAUDIA AZZOLA The Trees No free playing on language, nor words stretched to extremes or any reference will suffice to tell the layers of the stony, crusty greenery of mountain trees, exposed to the blast, the precipitate of the wind,…

Poetry, Trees, and Hope: Twelve Propositions


RICHARD BERENGARTEN Twelve propositions Our words inspiration, respiration and spirit all have a common origin in the Latin verb spirare ‘to breathe’. We breathe involuntarily and necessarily. The air we depend on for life itself surrounds the earth like a…

Tree, a Video


SILVIA PIO (edited by) The Albero Project, published by Margutte, is a multilingual translated project based on Richard Berengarten’s poem, TREE. Translations of the poem into ten languages appear here. The project has now been enriched by a new work of…

Trees of the mind


MIRIAM NEIGER-FLEISCHMANN While working on the translation of Richard Berengarten’s Tree into the Hebrew language and getting deep into the sense and essence of the tree as depicted in the poem, I was inspired to make a series of watercolour…

The Apricot Tree


SILVIA PIO I once said the apricot tree was my home because I preferred its clamorous leaves to the silence sounding the old walls. When autumn began to confine me inside I would look to the tree as one looks…

The Albero Project


RICHARD BERENGARTEN I wrote Tree in Cambridge, 1979, at the age of thirty-five. Much of the poem’s direct inspiration came from Ann Waldman’s chant-poem, Fast Speaking Woman,[1] which she based in large part on her researches into women’s customs in…