Tag Archive for Silvia Pio

Woodland Heights, Music of Trees

Foto: Giampiero Johnny Murialdo

“Woodland Heights”, (2014) for string orchestra w/ vla solo and tree by Nick Roth, is a study of forest canopy ecology. More specifically, the work is an illustration of the premise that species composition and tree size distributions become more diverse…

Madagascar in 100 Haiku, a selection


ABHAY K. sea of innocence exuding amber light —lemur’s eyes (1) * an ascetic meditating turned upside down —the baobab tree (2) * giant eggs in drawing rooms —where have all the elephant birds gone? (3) * always ready for…

Find me, I’m a tree


SYLVIE MARIE find me Poetry turns paper back into trees – Marie Lundquist find me i’m standing among the others feet planted in a corner knees together my woody trunk rising through my resin pelvis my backbone a stem for…

Poetry on Prescription


SILVIA PIO (edited by) There was an old woman called Deb who had a crazy idea in her head to hear people’s ills without giving pills but give them poems instead Deborah Alma travels around British fairs and festivals in…

Mrs Prufrock used to sing


SILVIA PIO She saw the bottom where the water was sweet, surrendered her body to the waves she feared as a gift, and dreamed the dreams she had kept to give as presents wrapped with indecision (and you used to…

Forget Me Not


JOHN IRVING CLARKE When he woke, the woman was standing over him. He took in his surroundings – the scrubby bushes under which he’d thrown himself, the wind barging through the paltry shelter, the darkening sky – and he would…

Walk with the Mahatma


SILVIA PIO (edited by) “In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.” —Mohandas…