Tag Archive for poetry

Jagdish Prakash, a Natural Poet

A tempest in SilenceCover

«Jagdish Prakash is a natural poet. His poetry flows from the heart and weave images that express experienced reality.» Thus writes Neena Sood, in the Editor’s Note of A Tempest in Silence, Prakash’s poetry book in English published in 2015,…

Setting fire to words


There is fire in poetry RICHARD BERENGARTEN Still and on May this work move on, and on its winding way and these words hold well together and, in their time wherever they carry, together hold constant at all points on…

Tanka & Haiku


MICHAEL MCCLINTOCK from http://michaelmcclintock.homestead.com/index.html Tanka (短歌 “short poem”) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature.

Tanka & Haiku


MICHAEL MCCLINTOCK       from http://michaelmcclintock.homestead.com/index.html Tanka (短歌 “short poem”) is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. Italiano

Stay in this light


Paola Musa’s poetry Barumini (Nuragic fortress, Sardinia) You could have loved me among the silent fortresses of our unknown ancestors. Now bitter is the meantime in your eyes. No verb, then, among the olive trees. No scroll, save the wind.…

Poetry to house God


Yayati Madan G Gandhi’s poetry translated in Italian THE LIGHT Why not to house the God Of different religions, under one roof? Why to erect walls before the Light? If Mohammad is the ultimate revelation, Jesus-Krishna too reveal the self-same…

Poetry for change


(SILVIA PIO edited by) Poems: POEM FOR MITKO Michael Rothenberg SHELL BEACH Michael Rothenberg CATHOLIC SCHOOL RETABLOS Terri Carrion WHY I STARTED BREEDING BUTTERFLIES Terri Carrion An interview with Michael Rothenberg and Terry Carrión, founders of the global poetry movement…