Tag Archive for Silvia Pio

International Poetry Day


SILVIA PIO In the glory of the airy noon like a swallow gliding in the lane of life, this light has a sly shadow. In the stillness of the dusk between the unknowable and the sky, this blue is an…

Lucy Hamilton’s Tree


LUCY HAMILTON Rings In memory of my father, John Plowright A tree is thick − or thin – skinned, its sap carries sugar to leaves, feeds new cells, infuses roots with energy and the cambium – almost invisible – is…

My Feet are Killing Me

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JOHN I. CLARKE https://youtu.be/sf8bkP-qtT8 (The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 – 56 took place after Rosa Parks was arrested following her refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger.) Some folks try to change the world by marching…

Welsh Poets in Traduzionetradizione


SILVIA PIO (a cura) An international magazine of poetic translation edited by Claudia Azzola, Traduzionetradizione is an interesting enterprise in the Italian translation panorama. Issue 13 was published last summer.The  cover image is a painting by Claudio Zanini (Hunting Scene,…

Tree, a Video


SILVIA PIO (edited by) The Albero Project, published by Margutte, is a multilingual translated project based on Richard Berengarten’s poem, TREE. Translations of the poem into ten languages appear here. The project has now been enriched by a new work of…


6.3 master rose lines

These image-poems by Richard Berengarten and Will Hill are part of a series of thirty-two collaborations, which are to be published in book form in 2018 by Dos Madres Press (Cincinnati, USA), under the title DYAD. All the compositions in…